To all the present and future visitors of this blog, we would like to wish the best of this world, even knowing that this is to demand to much for all of us. We must however maintain lighted the flame ot the expectation.
Sumário de notícias apanhadas nos meios de comunicação social e outros, e também algumas críticas pertinentes.
"Bush destapou a panela do Médio Oriente e não se vê maneira de a tapar outra vez." - Vasco Pulido Valente, in PÚBLICO
"Este será o Outono mais quente dos últimos cinco séculos em muitas regiões da Europa. A nível global, 2006 está à beira de se tornar no sexto ano mais quente de sempre." - in PÚBLICO
"Se à escala macro as cidades são os nós que atam as redes globais, à escala micro é nelas que se dá a experiência quotidiana dos fracassos das ploíticas públicas." - Rui Tavares, in PÚBLICO
"Quando, hoje, vêm dizer-me que 'isto' está uma desgraça eu pergunto o que é que querem, tudo isto é produto do 25 de Novembro, têm aquilo que quiseram: o parlamentarismo burguês e a satisfação da classe dominante" - Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, in FOCUS, nº 374
"A Assembleia da República perdeu em 1987 uma oportuidade de investigar o negócio do tráfico de armas que poderia estar na origem de Camarate""Shoot the Moon, if fail you might catch a Star!"
"The way you lead your life is just like driving a car, make sure that you get as much fuel as you can, hard work doesn't hurt anyone, there are plenty of opportunities outthere!."
"As ideias são mais poderosas do que as armas. Se não deixamos os nossos inimigos ter armas, porque havíamos de deixá-los ter ideias?" - José Estaline
"When a man's wife learns to understand him, she usually stops listening to him." -
Lei de Murphy
"As revoluções criam ressentimentos nas pessoas e são fruto da inacção de uma geração." - André Abrantes Amaral, Advogado, in DIAD nº 66, PÚBLICO
The coup was the fourth armed takeover in the South Pacific country in 19 years, and had its roots in the same ethnic divide that produced the previous three.
Commodore Frank Bainimarama, the armed forces chief, announced in a nationally broadcast evening statement that, "As of 6 o'clock this evening, the military has taken over the government, has executive authority and the running of this country."
He said he had assumed some powers of the president and was using them to dismiss Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, elected in May.
He named Dr. Jona Senilagakali, a military medic with no political experience, as caretaker prime minister and said a full interim government would be appointed next week to see the country through to elections that would restore democracy sometime in the future.
The move was denounced by elected officials and the president, the police force, and countries and international organizations with connections with Fiji.
"The government they want to set up will be totally illegal," Qarase told a small group of reporters inside his house in Suva, where he said he was under effective house arrest. "What the military commander has done has raped our Constitution."
New Zealand announced it was suspending defense ties with Fiji and would ban its military officers from traveling to the country. Bainimarama is believed to have children living in New Zealand.
Todo o artigo para mais detalhes, em: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061205/ap_on_re_au_an/fiji_coup
"A política do primeiro-ministro é confundida com o liberalismo apenas porque, em algumas matérias, sai dos padrões ideológicos que o PS se foi impondo." - Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, in DIAD nº 63, PÚBLICO "O grotesco fracasso do poder local é um pequeno preço a pagar face ao circo que o poder local proporciona." - Alberto Gonçalves, in CORREIO DA MANHÃ |