terça-feira, setembro 21, 2004

Dia Internacional da Paz

Ao passar o dia de hoje, que deveria merecer o esforço de todos, mas de todos, para que isso fosse realidade, ou pelo menos para que se caminhasse nesse sentido, faz sentido lembrar com alguma ironia o que se diz abaixo:

A filosofia de vida do homem Irlandês

There are only two things to worry about
Either you are well or you are sick
If you are well,
Than there is nothing to worry about
But if you are sick
There are two things to worry about.
Either you will get well or you will die ....
If you die,
There are only two things to worry about.
Either you will go to haven or hell.
If you go to heaven there is nothing to worry about.
But if you go to hell,
You'll be so damn busy shaking hands with friends
You won't have time to worry!


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